Leighann Will Solve It!

March 21, 2016/Uncategorized

I have a confession to make. Recently my frustration level with Ryan was building. I could hear the sternness in my voice and feel my emotions triggered multiple times a day. I could see in his little face that he was sad he was disappointing me on a regular basis. I knew I had to change my reaction and figure out what the heck was going on.

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I realized my expectations of where he should be at this point don’t line up with reality . At seven, I want him to be a kid who comes in from school, hangs up his coat and book bag and does his homework. His sisters were completing these tasks by this age and doggonitt, why isn’t he?

There are other reasons too – the fact he can’t sit still for long enough to finish his homework, that he asks me the same question every five minutes, and a host of other developmental issues I know are linked to his heart defect.

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